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love the skin you're in

This service is one very close to my heart and a favourite among many of my clients. I lived with severe eating and image disorders all through my teenage years, not only did I live through them but more notably, I survived them. Today I'm thankful to them as without them I wouldn't be the woman I am today. I came out strong, courageous and self empowered. This allows me to be here for you! I've learned that eating disorders are not a disease and will never  be truly healed by science alone. In my experience they are a symptom of either a starved or very hungry soul. Together we can walk through the process by tapping into your inner being and find out what it is you're really hungry for. It is only from this point that true healing can occur and the "symptoms" will slowly disappear.  I remember sitting with doctor after doctor telling me the same thing, whilst I sat there thinking "you don't even know me, you have no idea who I am, what I love or how I see the world". So Ive made it  my job to HEAR you and  give you the tools and techniques to achieve freedom from personal entrapment. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise.

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